Clocking in at just 200 W, it's ultra-efficient lights and pump will lead to plentiful produce for roughly $12 of electricity a month.

The Nutritower was designed with your monthly utility bill in mind.

kWh: definition and calculation method

To calculate the consumption of a device, multiply its power by the number of hours of use. Then, divide the result by 1,000 to obtain the consumption in kWh.


Cost per province

Quebec: 10.52$

Manitoba: 14,25$

New Brunswick: 18.14$

Ontario: 18.72$

BC: 18.14$

Newfoundland: 19.87$

Alberta: 23.9$

Nova Scotia: 24.62$

P.E.I: 25$

Yukon: 25.92$

Saskatchewan: 26$

Nunavut / Northwest Territories: 54$